TiCS 2022.1 contains additional client metrics and a new onboarding process.
TiCS 2022.1 highlights
Major improvements
This release contains the following major improvements.
30209 | [Addin-IntelliJ] Added support for IntelliJ 2022.1. |
29481 | [Wrapper] Added self-updating functionality. |
29064 | [Viewer] Added an onboarding dialog that is shown when accessing the viewer after a fresh installation to ask the user for some required settings. |
28490 | [Viewer] Added GET API /api/public/v1/QualityGate that allows you to retrieve information about quality gates (but not its status). |
28068 | [TiCS Client] Enabled abstract interpretation and security metrics for TiCS Client. |
27682 | [TiCS CC Integration] Added support for configuring multiple Coverity data sources. |
Minor improvements
This release contains the following minor improvements.
Test coverage
This version has passed all reviewed TIOBE regression tests successfully.
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