TIOBE releases TiCS 2024.2, introducing a new TQI version, Mend.io support, and improvements to quality gates and performance!
Since abstract interpretation (deep flow) tools identify serious programming errors and the number of false positives of these tools is rapidly decreasing, it has been decided to make the TQI scores for Abstract Interpretation stricter to reflect this. The new score is the same as the one that is applied for Compiler Warnings and Security.
Software Composition Analysis is gaining ground when it comes to security checks. One of the notable vendors in this area is Mend.io. We added support so that Mend.io findings are included in the TICS Viewer.
Several performance improvements were made. In the viewer we improved the handling of data so the Viewer becomes more performant. On the analyzer side we introduced caching mechanisms for the expensive compiler options retrieval. Also, we added multi file analysis so that Code Checkers that are capable can analyze multiple files at once instead of one-by-one.
You can find the full release notes, here.
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