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TIOBE QA Award Q4 2024

10 January 2025

Viterra's TTS project wins the Q4 2024 Software Quality Assurance Award

TIOBE rewards the best TiCS projects with the quarterly TIOBE Software Quality Assurance Award. There are more than 8,000 software projects of various multinationals worldwide that qualify divided into 3 categories:

  • large-sized projects (more than 500K lines of code)
  • mid-sized projects (more than 100K lines of code)
  • small-sized projects (less than 100K lines of code)

TIOBE Software Quality Award Q4 2024
The winner of the most ambitious award, the large-sized projects, for the fourth quarter of 2024 is …

TTS (Viterra – Rotterdam NL)

The complete top 5 of large-sized projects

Projects are listed below (out of 503 projects):

Q4 2024 Q3 2024 Project Company TQI Score TQI Level
1. (1) TTS Viterra Rotterdam NL 94.61% A label dark: Top quality software
2. (2) CT ResultsServices Apps Philips Shenyang CN 91.78% A label dark: Top quality software
3. (3) Eleva System Control Philips Pune IN 90.62% A label dark: Top quality software
4. (4) FSC7.3 Controller Vanderlande Veghel NL 88.86% B label: High quality software
5. (-) Oceanus Rfd Console Philips Bangalore IN 88.61% B label: High quality software


Viterra/Cognizant TTS Team in India receiving the award for best large-size project in Q4 2024 from TIOBE CEO Paul Jansen

The winners of the mid-sized projects

Projects are (out of 1,315 projects):

Q4 2024 Project Company TQI Score TQI Level
1. FSA FSCS Philips Hamburg DE 96.72% A label dark: Top quality software
2. User WorkFlow Philips Bengaluru IN 96.69% A label dark: Top quality software
3. NxGen Philips Bengaluru IN 96.34% A label dark: Top quality software

The winner of the small-sized projects

Project is (out of 5,676 projects):

Q4 2024 Project Company TQI Score TQI Level
1. CT Smart Protocolling Philips Bengaluru IN 100% A label dark: Top quality software

Philips NxGen project receiving the award for best mid-size project in Q4 2024 from TIOBE CEO Paul Jansen

The Winning TTS Team

Trade and Traffic System (TTS) is the main inhouse ERP system for Viterra EMEA, supporting the commodity trading business processes of Viterra for multiple locations. Viterra is one of the major world-wide trading companies in agricultural commodities (i.e. grains, oilseeds, cotton, etc.) which includes buying, storing, processing, shipping and selling large quantities of these commodities across the globe. All these business processes are fully supported by TTS to make sure that Viterra maintains its competitive edge in the global market. TTS is used in over 30 locations, mainly in Europe, but also in e.g. Singapore and Mexico, and has more than a 1,000 users.

For this occasion, we interviewed Rob den Heijer and Ron van Dijk, Manager Application Development EMEA and Software Architect, respectively.

What kind of software quality process do you have in place? Can you elaborate a bit on this?

Viterra makes use of a selective number of outsourcing partners to develop its in-house applications. Within this model Viterra has governance over the development process via their own product owners, business analysts and architects. For TTS an explicit Software Quality process is implemented, with an extensive number of KPIs being monitored. These KPIs range from unit test coverage, code quality metrics, etc. to f.e. productivity and team / customer satisfaction. And in the end the Viterra product owners will have to functionally accept each change and the Viterra architect will have to technically accept each change.

What practices do you recommend to others to achieve high quality software?

We have implemented a number of practices that helps us to keep the technical quality software on a high level:

  • Plugins in our integrated development environment (IDE) to help the developers improve their quality and productivity directly during their development process. Identifying and addressing potential issues directly as they occur is more efficient and gives the most direct feedback loop.
  • Daily static code analysis run for the whole codebase with a dashboard for all teams to see the status and the progress in quality improvement.
  • Regular technical alignment sessions between Viterra architects and the development teams to discuss potential quality issues and improvement points. We also monitor our API design tracker, to make sure we keep our API designs consistent and aligned across the different teams.
  • Monitor the coverage of both unit testing, integration testing and End2End testing. The last two automated tests are being implemented with the WebIO framework, including test coverage dashboards in our Azure DevOps environment

What role played TiCS in achieving better control on software quality?

TiCS is our Code Quality framework for all our software development projects and across multiple development environments. We use it both as an IDE plugin for the developers and to scan our entire code base to update our metrics on a daily basis. With the TiCS dashboard we are able to give feedback to the development teams on the quality of their code on several metrics like Code Coverage, Abstract Interpretation and Security. Additionally, Quality Gates gives us the ability to define a certain level of quality that each code check to adhere to, to potentially prevent code check-ins that would lower the metrics.

Aspects we especially appreciate in TiCS:

  1. Finetuning the metrics to the needs of the individual projects
  2. The ability to incorporate additional/external code analysis tools within the TiCS framework, like Coverity
  3. The inclusion of the Abstract Interpretation metric we do not often see available in other tools

All-time history

  • Q3 2024 – Q4 2024: Viterra TTS Rotterdam (NL)
  • Q1 2022 – Q2 2024: Philips ULTRhy Bothell (USA)
  • Q4 2020 – Q4 2021: Philips Eleva System Control Pune (IND)
  • Q3 2019 – Q3 2020: TomTom NavKit 2 Amsterdam (NL)
  • Q2 2018 – Q2 2019: Philips Eleva System Control Hamburg (D)
  • Q4 2017 – Q1 2018: TomTom NavKit Amsterdam (NL)
  • Q1 2015 – Q3 2017: Philips HealthTech Eleva System Control Hamburg (D)
  • Q2 2014 – Q4 2014: Philips Healthcare Eleva UI Hamburg (D)
  • Q3 2013 – Q1 2014: ASML OTAS Eindhoven (NL)
  • Q1 2010 – Q2 2013: Philips Healthcare Eleva UI Hamburg (D)
  • Q1 2009 – Q4 2009: Océ Technologies VarioPrint Venlo (NL)
  • Q1 2008 – Q4 2008: NXP Semiconductors STB225 Southampton (UK)

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